
Budgies Species Overview: Length, Width and General Characteristics with Favoured Environment


Budgerigars, commonly known as budgies, are small, colourful parrots that are commonly kept as pets. They originally come from Australia and are one of the most popular pet birds in the world. In this article, we will provide an overview of the different species of budgies, their length, width, and general characteristics, as well as their favoured environment.

Length and Width

Budgies are relatively small birds, with an average length of around 18 cm. The wingspan of adult budgies ranges from 18 to 20 cm, and they typically weigh between 30 and 40 grams. The head of a budgie is small and round, and their beaks are short and curved. Budgies have a long tail that makes up more than half of their total length.

General Characteristics

Budgies come in a wide range of colours, including blue, green, yellow, white, and grey. They have a distinctive pattern of stripes and spots on their forehead, which is known as their “cere.” Males have a bright blue cere, while females have a brown or pink cere. Budgies have a friendly and sociable personality, which makes them popular pets. They are also very active and curious, and they love to play and explore their surroundings.

Favoured Environment

Budgies are native to the arid regions of Australia and are well adapted to hot, dry climates. As pets, they require a relatively warm and humid environment, and their cage should be kept well away from any drafts or direct sunlight. A recommended temperature range for budgies is between 18ºC and 25ºC. They require a diet that is rich in seeds, fresh fruits and vegetables, and clean drinking water should always be available.


In conclusion, budgies are a popular pet bird species, known for their friendly and sociable personalities, as well as their distinctive colours and patterns. Despite their small size, they have a long tail that makes up more than half of their total length. Budgies thrive in a warm, humid environment, and they require a diet that is rich in seeds, fresh fruits and vegetables. If you are interested in owning a budgie, research into their required care and nutrition before taking the plunge, to ensure their safety and long-lasting companionship.