Canary Species Overview: Length, Width, and General Characteristics with Favoured Environment
Canaries, a popular pet bird, are loved for their sweet, musical chirping. Although we usually picture the bright yellow bird, canaries come in various shades, including orange, brown, and even white. These small and lively birds are native to the Canary Islands, but today, they are bred in captivity around the world. In this article, we’ll go over the length, width, and general characteristics of canaries, as well as their favored environment.
Length and Width
Canaries, on average, are approximately 12 to 14 cm in length and have a wingspan of 20 to 23 cm. They have a stout, short beak and compact, muscular bodies. They also have relatively large, round heads and wide-set eyes that are usually dark brown. The feathers of a canary are small, smooth and lay close to the body, providing an aerodynamic profile for flying.
General Characteristics
Canaries come in a wide variety of sizes, shapes, and color patterns. These characteristics depend on the breed of the canary. In general, canaries are known for their melodic singing voice that can last for hours. Their song is used as a form of communication to attract a mate, warn the flock of approaching predators, and mark territories.
Canaries are social and love company, which makes them excellent pets. They are also quite active and enjoy soaring through the air, making them fun to watch. Canaries are docile birds that prefer to stay on their perches, but they do enjoy some physical activity such as flying, climbing, and hopping around their cage.
Favored Environment
Canaries need a spacious cage that allows for free movement and exercise, but it should also be snug and cozy. The cage should be placed in a southeast or east-facing area, avoiding drafts and excessive sunlight. A bird bath within the cage is also advised, as canaries love taking refreshing baths in water.
Canaries are tropical birds, and their preferred temperature environment is between 18 to 25 degrees Celsius. A low humidity environment is ideal, and anything over 70% humidity can lead to respiratory distress.
In conclusion, canaries are active, docile birds that make excellent pets. They come in various sizes, colors, and patterns, but all of them possess the characteristic melodic singing voice. Owning a pet canary requires a proper cage, plenty of space, and the right temperature range, which should be dry and comfortable for your bird. When all these requirements are met, canaries make for low maintenance and enjoyable pets that provide a lovely, sweet and soothing musical experience.