parakeet budgie

An Overview of the Parakeet Budgie Species

The Parakeet Budgie, also known as the Budgerigar, is a popular species of small parrot that is native to Australia. This delightful bird is a favourite amongst bird lovers, especially for its docile and friendly nature. In this article, we will delve into the general characteristics of the Parakeet Budgie, its length, width, and favoured environment.

Length and Width

The Parakeet Budgie is a small bird that measures around six to seven inches in length, with a wingspan of about ten inches. Their weight ranges from around 25 to 50 grams. The male and female budgies look very similar, but the males typically have a blue ceres (the fleshy part above the beak) while the females have brown ceres, making them easy to identify.

General Characteristics

Parakeet Budgies are charming creatures with colorful plumage. They boast vibrant greens, yellows, and blues, with patches of white or black across their wings and tails. Budgies are agile and quick birds that are full of energy and make excellent pets. They are highly intelligent and can learn to perform a wide range of tricks. They are also known for their playful and curious personalities, making them entertaining pets.

Like all parrots, Budgies are social animals and thrive in flocks or pairs. Their vocalizations are high-pitched, and they are known to chirp and whistle melodiously. Their chirping and chattering sound can add atmosphere and serenity to any environment.

Favoured Environment

The Parakeet Budgie prefers warm, tropical environments where they can forage for food in the wild. They love to eat seeds and small fruits, as well as vitamin-rich vegetables. In captivity, they need a healthy and balanced diet to maintain their health and well-being.

Budgies are sensitive animals that need ample space to explore, fly, and play in a safe and secure environment. They need to feel comfortable and safe in their surroundings, so owners should provide them with plenty of toys, perches, and hiding places.


The Parakeet Budgie is a beautiful and charismatic bird that has captured the hearts of many bird enthusiasts worldwide. Their playful and friendly nature makes them a great choice of pet for those looking for a small and intelligent companion. They are agile, highly social, and love to be around their owners. Providing them with a comfortable, safe, and secure environment, along with a balanced diet, will ensure that they live long and happy lives.