Svensk Kallblodstravare Horse

Svensk Kallblodstravare Horse

Svensk Kallblodstravare Horse, also known as the Swedish Coldblood Trotter, is a hardy and versatile horse breed that originated in Sweden. These horses are well-adapted to the harsh climate of Scandinavia and are bred for a wide range of purposes, including agricultural work, forestry, and harness racing. Let’s take a closer look at the history, temperament, height, characteristics, lifespan, colors, and health of these impressive horses.

Svensk Kallblodstravare Horse History

The Swedish Coldblood Trotter is a relatively young breed, with a history dating back only to the early 20th century. The breed was developed in response to a growing demand for a powerful and adaptable workhorse that could thrive in the cold and rugged terrain of northern Sweden. Swedish farmers and breeders began crossing local mares with Ardennes stallions from Belgium, resulting in a horse with the size, strength, and stamina needed for agricultural work. As the demand for hauling timber increased, the breed was further developed for forestry work and eventually became popular in the harness racing industry.

Svensk Kallblodstravare Horse Temperament

Svensk Kallblodstravare Horses are known for their calm and reliable temperament, which makes them excellent work and companion animals. They are gentle and friendly, with a strong work ethic and a willingness to please their owners. These horses are also intelligent and easy to train, making them a popular choice for novice and experienced equestrians alike.

Svensk Kallblodstravare Horse Height

Svensk Kallblodstravare Horses are typically medium-sized, with an average height of 14.2 to 15.2 hands (58 to 62 inches) at the shoulder. They have a strong and muscular build, with broad chests and powerful hindquarters that give them the strength and endurance required for heavy work.

Svensk Kallblodstravare Horse Characteristics

Svensk Kallblodstravare Horses have a distinctive appearance, with a broad and expressive head, large eyes, and floppy ears. They have a thick and flowing mane and tail, which often grows longer in the winter months to provide additional insulation against the cold. These horses come in a range of colors, including chestnut, bay, black, and gray, and may have white markings on their face and legs.

Svensk Kallblodstravare Horse Lifespan

Svensk Kallblodstravare Horses have a relatively long lifespan, with an average of 25 to 30 years. With proper care and nutrition, these horses can live well into their 30s and even their 40s.

Svensk Kallblodstravare Horse Colors

Svensk Kallblodstravare Horses come in a range of colors, including chestnut, bay, black, and gray. They may also have white markings on their face and legs, such as a blaze, star, or socks. Some horses may have a roan or dappled coat, while others are solid in color.

Svensk Kallblodstravare Horse Health

Svensk Kallblodstravare Horses are generally hardy and healthy animals, with few health problems. However, like all horses, they are susceptible to certain conditions, such as colic, respiratory infections, and lameness. Regular veterinary check-ups, proper nutrition, and regular exercise can help keep these horses in good health.


Svensk Kallblodstravare Horses are a unique and adaptable breed that has played an important role in the history of northern Sweden. Whether they are working in the fields, hauling timber in the forest, or racing on the track, these horses are valued for their strength, stamina, and gentle nature. With proper care and attention, these horses can live long and healthy lives, providing their owners with years of enjoyment and companionship.